The imaginary world that will be the most good place
for you that never imagined before .
Pharacosm is quoted from the word "Paracosm" which means a detailed and prolonged world of imagination created by a child which includes human, animal, or aliens.
So, Pharacosm is a local closed agency that has the concept of imagination of the 'new world' in the future. This new world is called "Paracosphere" where the name comes from the words "Paracosm" and "Sphere" which are useful as human habitation in the modern future.
The concept of Pharacosm was adapted from one of the famous films entitled "The Chronicles of Narnia" in which there is a neat modification to form a Pharacosm.
Paracosphere was originally just an empty world. Then, someone who is known is named Aslan. With the great power he has, he makes the Paracosphere come into being and filled.
Aslan summoned animals and plants to appear. The power possessed by Aslan was so great that an iron pillar appeared and fell onto fertile soil, then grew into a burning lamppost and fallen candy grew into a candy tree.
Aslan then selects a number of species among the animals he calls and gives them the ability to talk and think. He ordered them to look after the other animals. In addition to animals, plants are also given the ability to talk and think.
Then, there is only one thing that does not yet exist, namely humans. With Aslan's enormous strength, Aslan summoned selected humans who looked unusual in the past through their subconscious and led him to a cupboard that would be connected to the Paracosphere. Humans themselves are referred to as "The Humans".
The Paracosphere is led by Aslan, a half lion-alien, with 6 members who have the power, role and duty to protect the integrity of humans and animals that live in the Paracosphere of foreign nations. It is said that they are referred to as "The Aliens".
How To Join
1. Make sure you have read everything in the rules. Understand when you being a part of us, you should obey all obligations and avoid all prohibitions.
2. Ask us for the available face claim.
3. Fill our registration form. Form will be published when we open for registration.
4. Give The Aliens some times and wait for the announcement.
If you're accepted as our members, you should do some things below:
1. Give us your picture of face claim with a size of 3:4.
2. Change your username into @(your OC name)rcs.
e.g: @ALLARICrcs
3. Follow every member as your fellow The Humans, The Aliens, base, and sub account of our base.
4. Greet everyone and make sure you know each other.
5. Make a thread for your points.
1. Have a thread or website that contains detailed information about Original Character, Face Claim, and Background Story / Story Line.
2. One account per head.
3. Welcome, or greetings is a must.
4. The following limits are 110. These are including The Aliens, The Humans, Main-Base, and Sub-Base.
5. We hope you will use more IC and use brackets if you want to do OOC or Mun! Talk.
6. Love Wins.
7. For NSFW or smut things, only allowed from 22:00 PM until 03:00 AM. If it's 4:00 AM, it's time to repent.
1. Allows mention tabs to pile up and not reply at all.
2. Inside jokes, circle in circle is forbidden.
3. Selecting friends to interact or mention.
4. Quoting tweet outsider.
5. Make a tweet that can provoke a commotion.
6. All types of reunions whether from an earlier agency, or known before, are prohibited.
7. More interacting with outsiders than fellow agency members.
8. Face-Chasing, Fan-Boying, or Fan-Girling, are prohibited. Unless your OC is a Fanboy!AU or Fangirl!AU, it will be understandable but not too excessive.
Face Claim
1. The maximum age gap between OC and FC is 3 years. (e.g: Wang Jackson is 1994, so your OC should be 1997 or 1991.)
2. Faceclaim 3D, Allstar, but some face claims currently have to be licensed, related to that, then The Humans must be careful in choosing face claims.
3. The maximum limit for changing face claims is 2 times per month.
4. Temporary Swap:
• Allowed if the face that will be used avail / not used by The Humans / The Aliens.
• Temporary Swap are only allowed for 2 days, every 1 time.
• Temporary Swap are only permitted twice a month.
• Put "TS" or "Temporary Swap" either in the bio, or display name.
• Tell the base or one of The Aliens if you want to do the temporary swap.
1. 12 hours after verification if not active, will be issued or kicked by The Aliens.
2. 2 days do not greet the timeline or just say "HI" "TEST" "P" and after that does not appear again, forced to be removed by The Aliens.
3. Not much interacting with The Humans, just changing profile photos, or retweeting a few tweets without interacting with the timeline, will get stern warnings from The Aliens.
1. Inform base if you want to take a hiatus.
2. The Humans only get time for 6 days for hiatus, 3 days for semi-hiatus. There is no long hiatus.
3. For semi-hiatus, The Humans still have to say hello to the timeline, either just "Hi" or interact briefly.
4. Regarding the extension of the hiatus, if The Humans want to extend the hiatus, she/he can take the hiatus back after 2 days from the first Hiatus.
5. Reducing PȻ's in accordance with the provisions.
6. If The Humans have finished their hiatus / semi hiatus, please report back to base.
*Use format “The Humans, (name) want to take a (Hiatus/Semi Hiatus) for (day), thank you”
The Humans, Frisca Georgia Daisy want to take a Hiatus/Semi Hiatus for 5 days/2 days, thank you.
Pharacoins or PȻ is currency that will be used by The Humans as a means of payment and buying tools while in the Paracosphere. Pharacoins are used to buy various necessities and pay fines (denda) while living in Paracosphere.
1. Game :
Moderator : 20 PȻ
Win : 15 PȻ
Participation : 12 PȻ
2. Event :
Win : 70 PȻ
Participation : 50 PȻ
3. Reporting violations : 3 PȻ
4. Plot : 4 PȻ per tweet. ( - head plot)
5. Breaking up rules (quoting outsider, no mention, NSFW) : - 5 PȻ
6. Changing face claim : - 200 PȻ
7. Changing original character : - 250 PȻ
8. Hiatus: - 5 PȻ / days.
Self Plot: 35 replies
Partnered Plot: 50 replies
Reset point routine will be done every two weeks.